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Meet Demetrius




Welcome to Asili Creations!

      I'm Demetrius Rogers, Founder and CEO. I've always suffered with dry hair and scalp. After a while it became "the norm" for me. My Grandmother would grease my hair with all types of stuff to help me because my scalp would be so flaky and dry. Sometimes it would get so tender, it hurt. Those products worked temporarily but soon my problems were back with vengeance! Grandma would even ask beauticians what she could do, and all of them had a different solution. She tried them all! Nothing was a permanent resolution. I just suffered in silence my entire teenage and early adulthood days, until 12 years ago.
      Over the years I've spent countless dollars on hair products hoping they would fix my problems of dry scalp and hair. Exhaustion set in but failure was not an option. I went "ole school" and began mixing oils, butters and herbs until I found something that finally moisturized my hair! I knew I didn't want any harsh chemical either so I researched relentlessly and became very knowledgeable on alternatives that I could use in my formulations. I was hooked on natural ingredients that promoted healthy hair and scalp. Soon after, I transitioned into natural hair 12 years ago and haven't looked back! My passion drives me everyday to create plant based products inspired by nature that gives you confidence to love your natural hair.
     When I'm not creating amazing products for you and your family I enjoy spending time with mine. I'm married to the best guy in the world! I also share this life with my five beautiful children. My vision is to uplift millions worldwide using my Brand as the foundation.

Me & The Kiddos



 Me & The Hubby