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3 Things To Know When TransitioningTo Natural Hair

 When I decided to transition into natural hair it wasn't an easy choice. I considered doing the big chop but was too afraid to wear my hair that short. So, instead I opted to transition and slowly trim off the damaged hair a little at a time. I feel that was the best choice for me. I encourage you to weigh all the pros and cons of the big chop versus transitioning so you can make an informed decision that best fits your lifestye.
   If you have decided to transition then congratulations! Can I be honest Sis? Transitioning can be extremely frustrating! It will require dedication and consistency from you. There will be days that you will want to throw in the towel but if you hang in there your results can be extraordinary. Don't be alarmed if you have temptations to grab a box of the creamy crack and ease back into old comfort. We've all been there. Its a natural reaction to the transition...punt intended.

   Starting out you will probably spend alot of money on hair products trying to find the Holy Grail combination that will slay your hair to the gods. PSSSSSTTTT... sorry to burst your bubble but there isn't one. Products that work on one hair type may not work on another. You will have to go through the same trial and error journey as we all did. My best advice to help in choosing  products that work for your hair is to find out your POROSITY TYPE. That is half of your battle and it will save you alot of time and money.

     There a several ways to do this but my favorite is the hair strand in glass test. Simply, take a strand of your hair and place it into a bowl or glass for 5 minutes. Then observe if your hair strand floats or did it sink to the bottom. Floating hair means you have low porosity hair. The water was not able to penetrate the hair shaft easily which means your hair has to be minipulated to get moisture in. One way to do that is to steam your hair. This allows the cuticle to open so you can inject hydration and moisture. On the flip side if the strand sank, you are more likely to have high porosity hair. Your hair soaks up moisture easily but will release it just as fast. You should consider sealing your hair with an oil to help minimize moisture loss. Just to touch a bit more on porosity, liqud leave-ins tend to collab better with low porosity hair because its easier to get product into the hair shaft. Cream based leave-ins play better with high porosity hair. Naturally curly hair tends to be drier so you will need to get a good leave-in conditioner and become BFF's.

     MOISTURE IS KING when it comes to maintaining natural hair. Adding moisture to your tresses doesn't have to be complicated. Add water or aloe vera juice (If you're feeling fancy) to a spritz bottle and spray. Walah! Moisture complete. When choosing products desiganted for moisture check out the ingredients label. Water should be the first ingredient you see. Every natural head of hair is uniqely different so pay attention to how your how reacts to different ingredients and products. This will help you going foward by saving you time and money.

   Please, be patient with yourself and your hair. Its a new journey for both of you. Doubt and anxiety will creep in from time to time but that's okay. Create a natural hair care regimen and be consistent! You will soon see phenomenal results. Just remember to find out your hair porosity, choose a leave-in that fits your porosity and don't forget to moisturize your hair. You've got this.



  • Thank tou for this info. It has helped me make my mind up about going natural plus gave me some good tips

  • Love this! Many blessings. Helpful.

  • This is very helpful. My sister and I want to go natural. We knew nothing about hair porosity. Thanks a bunch!

    Naomi K.
  • Thank you so much for sharing this info. This has really eased my tentions about going natural. Good stuff!!

    Miranda K.

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