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10 Things That Is Ruining Your Hair

Why Isn't My Hair Growing?


 If I had $1 for every time I was asked that question your girl would be a multi-millionaire (coming soon though)!


On average, hair grows about half an inch per month, which means in a year's time your should have 6 inches of growth. Some of you are looking in the mirror and asking, "Where is my 6 inches?". 

It is thought that hair growth depends solely on genetics. I disagree. Hair growth depends more on how you've been treating your hair. Yes age, genetics, diet and overall health definitely have a role in how healthy your hair is. If you're not seeing the results you think you should have then it could be YOU SIS


Here are some things that can contribute to the lack luster results that you are currently seeing with your hair.



1. Relaxers and other chemicals. Your hair simply doesn't need them. Please, avoid them at all costs. Hair thrives better wiyh natural ingredients. Mother Nature has provided all we need to have healthy, thick, long hair.


2. Heat. A small amount of heat won't hurt you. I recommend not adding heat more than 2-3 times per year. ALWAYS, use a good protectant when applying any type of heat to your hair. For better results you should minimize or stop applying heat to hair altogether. Use more protective styles to help with hair management.


3. Wigs and Glue.  Don't get me wrong. I support all my Queens that want to switch up their slay and wear a wig. That glue though! It will snatch your edges right out and have you looking wrong underneath that unit.


4. Overstyling. Unless you are a natural hair influencer trying to increase your following then you shouldn't have your hands in your hair all the time. Put it into a cute lil protective style and chill. Let it be. Less is more here.


5. Just letting it all hang out at night. Sis, don't just lay down. Protect your hair and cover it will a silk/satin bonnet or use  silk/satin pillowcases. Cotton sheets and pillowcases can cause friction on your tresses and can absorb the oils right out of your hair.


6. Dirty scalp and hair. There is no reason you shouldn't be washing your hair every 7-10 days. Period. Your scalp is the foundation to hair growth. It's a must to keep the canvas clean.


7. Split ends. Stop sacrificing length for look. What do I mean? Sometimes, we will forego a trim because we don't want to cut the length off. Trust me, you are doing more harm than good. See a professional as needed. Don't be like me and trim with kitchen scissors! When you know better, you do better lol.


8. Not deep conditioning. Skipping this step in your hair care routine is detrimental to your strands! Deep conditioning adds shine, luster, promotes elasticity, extreme moisture and helps prevent damage. I recommend doing this minimum 2 x per month.


9. Using bad ingredients. Many of us naturals are avid label readers. If you're not then check out the label and see what exactly is in your products. Avoid ingredients like parabens, sulfate, mineral oil and alcohols that are drying. There are some alcohols that are good for your hair. Sis, don't freak out when you see it as an ingredient! Do your research.


10. Wearing protective styles too long. I know, I know. We try to keep our braids, twists, etc. in for as long as possible to get our money worth. This can be destroying your hair! We must clean and re-moisture our hair at least 3 times per month. Plus, your hair needs to breathe. Give it a break in between styles as well.




Now you know some things to stop doing. Here are some things you can start doing to grow you hair!


It's simple. Take care of yourself and your hair. 


Your health and happiness start from the inside out. Yhe saying goes, "You are what you eat." Implement more green leafy veggies and fruits to your diet. Go meatless for a day, a meal. Incorporate more healthy smoothies into your meals. Take a multi-vitamin. Mediate. Do some sort of physical activity. I'd start with something you like doing, maybe bike riding or volleyball. Invest in yourself mentally and physically. YOU ARE WORTH IT!


Drink Up!  How much water are you really drinking? We're told to drink 8 - 8 oz glasses per day. That is true for some but not most. Your water intake should be half your weight in ounces. It may seem like a lot of water but remember our body is 70% water. We need it. If you get thirsty that's a sign your dehydrated and behind on your water intake. 


Tip: Add fruit, lemon or cucumber to make it more tasty yet nutritional.


Tip: Do a apple cider vinegar (ACV) rinse. Make sure to dilute with water. This will help remove build up on scalp and hair. Do this once a month.


Natural hair care is no joke! It requires patience and consistency. With high quality products, regular shampooing and conditioning and daily moisturizing your hair journey can be made easier.


We've got you covered Queen! 




Our System Really Works!!




  • Very informative read. I learned alot thanks!

  • This was a very good blog! I definitely learned a lot. Good information.

    Debbie P
  • LOVE LOVE LOVE! I’m on a journey to having healthier hair/an overall healthier lifestyle. This blog was so informative and straight to the point. I’ve learned a lot regarding proper hair care and will definitely be putting my order in. Thanks Queen D😉

    Shauniece Mitchell
  • LOVE LOVE LOVE! I’m on a journey to having healthier hair/an overall healthier lifestyle. This blog was so informative and straight to the point. I’ve learned a lot regarding proper hair care and will definitely be putting my order in. Thanks Queen D😉

    Shauniece Mitchell
  • Dope blog! Very helpful tips!! Thanks.


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