3 Reasons To Make Sure Your Scalp's pH Is Balanced
1. Helps fight and protect against bacteria and fungus
A healthy pH balance is super important for fighting nasties like bacteria and fungus. A normal pH balance seals your hair so that moisture and sebum (your natural oil) stays in each strand while preventing dryness and breaking. Keep your pH balance between 4.5 - 5.5 and use products that or more on the acidic side of the pH scale (less than 7).
2. Determines the effectiveness of your hair products
When you use hair care products that are more alkaline than acidic, it affects your pH balance greatly. Hair care products which are more alkaline will cause your strands to swell and loose moisture, which is a Natural's worst nightmare! Moisture loss equals stagnant hair growth and we don't play that Sis!! So, choose wisely. Grab products that not only clean your scalp and hair but also doesn't strip your Crown of the moisture it needs to flourish.
*FYI baking soda has a pH of 8 so I suggest omitting it from your ACV rinse.
3. Maintains hair elasticity
Hair elasticity refers to how long a single strand of hair can stretch before it returns to its normal state. That shrinkage most Naturals don't like, yeah that lol. See, it's actually a good thing. Your pH has a lot to do with your hair’s ability to hold moisture and maintain its sebum. Sebum is your hair’s natural oil that creates a shield around your cuticle and maintains moisture. Moisture allows your hair to be manipulated in ways such as stretching and bending with out breaking off. DRY HAIR WON'T GROW SIS! Using a great moisturizer is vital for proper moisture that promotes hair health and growth.

Check out our wonderful selection of pH balanced hair products and take care of the only Crown you will never take off :)
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